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Public Hearing

February 6, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

The Shelby County Law Enforcement Personnel Board will hold a public hearing on

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


4:00 p.m.

at the

Sheriff’s Office Training Center

543 McDow Road Columbiana, AL 35051


It is proposed to amend section 7.05(b) of the current Rules & Regulations that relate to written test requirements for open-competitive Deputy Sheriff applicants. The proposed amendment reads:

  • WRITTEN TESTS. Unless otherwise specified, a written test will be used to establish an initial roster of applicants. Written tests shall be designed to show familiarity of applicants with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary in the class positions to which they seek appointment, the range of their general knowledge, or their general educational attainments, mental alertness, aptitudes, and skills. The Board may prepare and administer written tests, or it may contract the preparation and administration of the tests to an independent person or company, as the Board chooses. Written tests will be scored on a one hundred (100) point scale. Except by special action of the Board, applicants who score below seventy (70) on the written test will not be certified. Based on their tests scores, applicants will be grouped in bands according to the following schedule:
  1. Written test score of 90-100—————- Band “A”
  2. Written test score of 80-89.99————– Band “B”
  3. Written test score of 70-79.99————– Band “C”

Individuals who are active or former certified law enforcement officers may qualify to apply for the position of Deputy Sheriff without having to take an initial test. To qualify, the applicant must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Hold a current APOSTC law enforcement certification
  • Meet the standards set forth by APOSTC to obtain a “Waiver of Lateral Entry Equivalency Training,” (APOSTC Rule 650-X-4.06)
  • Meet the standards set forth by APOSTC to qualify to attend the APOSTC Refresher/Lateral Entry Course. (APOST Rule 650-X-4.06(9))


It is proposed to amend section 6.03 of the current Rules & Regulations that relate to regional accrediting agencies recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. The proposed amendment reads:

Those classified employees who have completed coursework at an institution regionally accredited by an organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), and who were employed prior to October 1, 2022, will be eligible to receive the following educational incentives:



**Please find a link to the tentative agenda here: Tentative Agenda February 6, 2024 Public Hearing & Regular Meeting


February 6, 2024
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Event Category:


Danielle Nicole Warren
View Organizer Website


Sheriff’s Office Training Center
543 McDow Road
Columbiana, AL 35051 United States
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